Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sun Ray by Fester Bryan

I didn’t know you
Your head was made of wood,
The eyeglass that you carried
Reflected all it could.

The sun ray pierced my shoulder,
The cherry was not ripe,
I left myself wide open,
I new you were my type.

The carriage clock was chiming,
Ornamental dog was cracked
The sewage farm was empty,
Half way down the track.

A leaf and plastic lying,
Like us in our bed,
Pure or everlasting,
Rule of heart or rule of head ?

Taken from my armchair,
After lime meringue,
I can forget the gaffer,
And the auberginal prang.

Sun ray rising,
Radiant sheen with heat,
Pour the drink securely,
The red will suit the meat.


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